3 days
Positive culture reported as soon as detected.
Wound culture and gram stain
Single Culture Swab
Swab cultures require removal of the wound crust or cap of pustules prior to obtaining. Cleanse superficial skin wound or burns. Expel air from a sterile needle and syringe. Best samples are obtained when pus from the wound can thus be aspirated. Alternatively, swab the wound, taking care to sample from the depth of the wound rather than the surface. Use an anaearobic transport system if an anaerobic pathogen is suspected.
Also acceptable: Double Culture Swab OR ESwab, or A.C.T. Transport System (if anaerobic is suspected)
3 days
Positive culture reported as soon as detected.
Wound culture and gram stain
Single Culture Swab
Swab cultures require removal of the wound crust or cap of pustules prior to obtaining. Cleanse superficial skin wound or burns. Expel air from a sterile needle and syringe. Best samples are obtained when pus from the wound can thus be aspirated. Alternatively, swab the wound, taking care to sample from the depth of the wound rather than the surface. Use an anaearobic transport system if an anaerobic pathogen is suspected.
Also acceptable: Double Culture Swab OR ESwab, or A.C.T. Transport System (if anaerobic is suspected)