The Laboratories at Children’s Medical Center are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Pathologists and/or Clinical Laboratory Scientists are available for consultation 24 hours a day through the medical center’s operator. Although we perform 98% of the testing in our own laboratory, some specialized procedures are performed by outside reference laboratories and require a turn-around time that may vary from one to ten days. Please contact the relevant laboratory section’s Pathologist or Clinical Laboratory Scientists prior to ordering a referral test.


The Children’s Laboratories are certified by the College of American Pathologist (CAP) Inspection and Accreditation Program and participate in a rigorous internal and external quality control program. The goal of the Children’s Laboratories is to provide excellent service to our staff and patients. We maintain an environment that respects individuals, accepts change as a basic premise, values teamwork and demands commitment to excellence. The rules and guidelines set down in this manual have been formulated to help achieve this end. We ask your cooperation in abiding by them. Should any difficulties arise, please direct your problem to me or to one of our staff. We welcome any suggestions that will enhance our contribution to patient care at Children’s Medical Center.


Dinesh Rakheja, MD
Medical Director
Department of Pathology













The Laboratories at Children’s Medical Center are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Pathologists and/or Clinical Laboratory Scientists are available for consultation 24 hours a day through the medical center’s operator. Although we perform 98% of the testing in our own laboratory, some specialized procedures are performed by outside reference laboratories and require a turn-around time that may vary from one to ten days. Please contact the relevant laboratory section’s Pathologist or Clinical Laboratory Scientists prior to ordering a referral test.


The Children’s Laboratories are certified by the College of American Pathologist (CAP) Inspection and Accreditation Program and participate in a rigorous internal and external quality control program. The goal of the Children’s Laboratories is to provide excellent service to our staff and patients. We maintain an environment that respects individuals, accepts change as a basic premise, values teamwork and demands commitment to excellence. The rules and guidelines set down in this manual have been formulated to help achieve this end. We ask your cooperation in abiding by them. Should any difficulties arise, please direct your problem to me or to one of our staff. We welcome any suggestions that will enhance our contribution to patient care at Children’s Medical Center.


Dinesh Rakheja, MD
Medical Director
Department of Pathology