This is a qualitative Transcription-Mediated Amplification Test intended to aid in the diagnosis of Trichomonasvaginalis urogenital disease.
This assay is not intended for the evaluation of suspected sexual abuse or for other medico-legal indications.
This assay has not been evaluated for patients under the age of 14.
This test requires prior authorization (PA) and should be placed as a future order in the outpatient setting. If unable to obtain PA, please have patient sign a financial waiver.
Orderable SIM Number(s)
Amplified Trichomonas
Trich PCR
Patient Preparation
Patients should avoid urinating for at least one hour prior to sample collection.
Storage/Transport Temperature
Swab placed in an Aptima Specimen Transport Tube at 2-30°C.
Transfer 2.0mL of urine from the primary collection container to the Aptima Urine Specimen Collection Kit within 24hrs and transport at 2-30°C. Liquid level must be between fill lines on tube.
Urine collected at the AWH campus may be transported to the laboratory in the primary collection container.
Liquid Cytology Specimen
Transport specimen in an Aptima Specimen Transfer Tube at 2-30°C.
Unacceptable Conditions
Swabs not in an Aptima Specimen Collection Kit.
Swab specimen transport tube without a swab, two swabs, a cleaning (white) swab or a swab not supplied by Hologic.
Urine outside of an Aptima Urine Specimen Transport Container >24hrs
Urine outside of the indicated fill volume.
Liquid Cytology
Specimens other than ThinPrep or SurePath liquid based cytology.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Swab in Aptima Swab Transport Tube
Ambient or refrigerated 2 months
Frozen 1 year
Urine in Aptima Urine Specimen Transport Tube
Ambient or refrigerated 1 month
Frozen 1 year
Liquid Cytology Specimen in Aptima Transport Tube
Ambient 14 days
Refrigerated 1 month
Frozen 1 year
Special Handling Instructions
Liquid cytology specimens:
Specimens intended for TV testing must be transferred to an Aptima Specimen Transfer tube within 30 days of collection when stored at 2ºC to 30ºC.
Specimens must be transferred before cytology processing if using a processor other than the ThinPrep 2000/3000 system.
Specimens transferred to an Aptima Specimen Transfer tube post analysis on the ThinPrep 2000/3000 System must adhere to the cytology processing procedure in the Aptima Specimen Transfer Kit package insert which involves bleaching and removing filters in between specimens.
Reference Interval
Negative / Positive
Interpretive Data
This test is performed on Hologic's Panther system using Aptima Trichomonas vaginalis assay which replicates a specific region of the small ribosomal subunit from T. vaginalis.
A negative result does not preclude the presence of T. vaginalis infection because results are dependent upon adequate specimen collection, absence of inhibitors and sufficient rRNA to be detected. A positive result obtained from a patient after therapeutic treatment cannot be interpretated as indicating the presence of viable T. vaginalis.
Performance has not been evaluated in women less than 14 years of age.
>30 mL of urine collected may decrease the sensitivity of the assay.
CPT Codes
Billable SIM Number(s)
Ordering Recommendations
This is a qualitative Transcription-Mediated Amplification Test intended to aid in the diagnosis of Trichomonasvaginalis urogenital disease.
This assay is not intended for the evaluation of suspected sexual abuse or for other medico-legal indications.
This assay has not been evaluated for patients under the age of 14.
This test requires prior authorization (PA) and should be placed as a future order in the outpatient setting. If unable to obtain PA, please have patient sign a financial waiver.
Orderable SIM Number(s)
Amplified Trichomonas
Trich PCR
Patient Preparation
Patients should avoid urinating for at least one hour prior to sample collection.
Storage/Transport Temperature
Swab placed in an Aptima Specimen Transport Tube at 2-30°C.
Transfer 2.0mL of urine from the primary collection container to the Aptima Urine Specimen Collection Kit within 24hrs and transport at 2-30°C. Liquid level must be between fill lines on tube.
Urine collected at the AWH campus may be transported to the laboratory in the primary collection container.
Liquid Cytology Specimen
Transport specimen in an Aptima Specimen Transfer Tube at 2-30°C.
Unacceptable Conditions
Swabs not in an Aptima Specimen Collection Kit.
Swab specimen transport tube without a swab, two swabs, a cleaning (white) swab or a swab not supplied by Hologic.
Urine outside of an Aptima Urine Specimen Transport Container >24hrs
Urine outside of the indicated fill volume.
Liquid Cytology
Specimens other than ThinPrep or SurePath liquid based cytology.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Swab in Aptima Swab Transport Tube
Ambient or refrigerated 2 months
Frozen 1 year
Urine in Aptima Urine Specimen Transport Tube
Ambient or refrigerated 1 month
Frozen 1 year
Liquid Cytology Specimen in Aptima Transport Tube
Ambient 14 days
Refrigerated 1 month
Frozen 1 year
Special Handling Instructions
Liquid cytology specimens:
Specimens intended for TV testing must be transferred to an Aptima Specimen Transfer tube within 30 days of collection when stored at 2ºC to 30ºC.
Specimens must be transferred before cytology processing if using a processor other than the ThinPrep 2000/3000 system.
Specimens transferred to an Aptima Specimen Transfer tube post analysis on the ThinPrep 2000/3000 System must adhere to the cytology processing procedure in the Aptima Specimen Transfer Kit package insert which involves bleaching and removing filters in between specimens.
Reference Interval
Negative / Positive
Interpretive Data
This test is performed on Hologic's Panther system using Aptima Trichomonas vaginalis assay which replicates a specific region of the small ribosomal subunit from T. vaginalis.
A negative result does not preclude the presence of T. vaginalis infection because results are dependent upon adequate specimen collection, absence of inhibitors and sufficient rRNA to be detected. A positive result obtained from a patient after therapeutic treatment cannot be interpretated as indicating the presence of viable T. vaginalis.
Performance has not been evaluated in women less than 14 years of age.
>30 mL of urine collected may decrease the sensitivity of the assay.