One 6.0 mL SST (Gold) tube or One 5.0 mL EDTA (Lavender) tube. 1 mL serum or plasma (Min: 0.5 mL).
Storage/Transport Temperature
Refrigerated. If sample transport to lab is not the same day as drawn; aliquot the serum or plasma.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Stability: After separation from cells: Ambient: <8 hours; Refrigerated: 72 hours if pour off, 24 hours if gel tube; Frozen: 1 year (avoid more than 2 freeze/thaw cycles)
Serology/Microbiology. Daily.
To aliquot: Centrifuge the sample and transfer the serum into a clean tube.
Biotin interference: Serum samples containing up to 500 ng/mL biotin demonstrated <= 15% change in result.
Biotin Therapy may invalidate results. Some assays may exhibit interference when samples are collected from patients consuminghigher than recommended doses of biotin or supplements(including prenatal multivitamins),which also contain biotin. Simple daily supplementation, recommended dosage, is not problematic.It is recommended that all patients be asked if they are consuming high-dose biotin or biotin containing supplements. Patients should be cautioned to stop using biotin-containing supplements at least 72 hours prior testing.
One 6.0 mL SST (Gold) tube or One 5.0 mL EDTA (Lavender) tube. 1 mL serum or plasma (Min: 0.5 mL).
Storage/Transport Temperature
Refrigerated. If sample transport to lab is not the same day as drawn; aliquot the serum or plasma.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Stability: After separation from cells: Ambient: <8 hours; Refrigerated: 72 hours if pour off, 24 hours if gel tube; Frozen: 1 year (avoid more than 2 freeze/thaw cycles)
Serology/Microbiology. Daily.
To aliquot: Centrifuge the sample and transfer the serum into a clean tube.
Biotin interference: Serum samples containing up to 500 ng/mL biotin demonstrated <= 15% change in result.
Biotin Therapy may invalidate results. Some assays may exhibit interference when samples are collected from patients consuminghigher than recommended doses of biotin or supplements(including prenatal multivitamins),which also contain biotin. Simple daily supplementation, recommended dosage, is not problematic.It is recommended that all patients be asked if they are consuming high-dose biotin or biotin containing supplements. Patients should be cautioned to stop using biotin-containing supplements at least 72 hours prior testing.