Special Collection

At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted sample (based on internal pathology review). 

Outpatient Submit with Specimen


Specimen Type Type of Container Volume of Specimen Status
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin embedded tissue   Preferred
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 4 mL Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container   Alternate

Outpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Freeze immediately after collection.
                                    Keep frozen
                                    Protect from heat
                                    Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Bone marrow: Do not freeze
                        Do not centrifuge
                       Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

OCT-embedded tissue: Freeze immediately after collection.
                                      Keep frozen
                                      Protect from heat
                                      Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Paraffin embedded tissue: Keep at room temperature
                                           Protect from heat

Tissue (Fresh): Transport to lab on ice immediately after collection
                         Keep at room temperature

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Must accompany H&E slide from the same tissue block used to make FFPE scrolls
                                     Protect from heat
                                     Keep at room temperature

Unacceptable Conditions

Delayed or improper handling, Insufficient tumor content in tumor sample, Inadequate tissue, Tissue degradation, Wrong type of specimen


Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)


If you are an external healthcare provider with no access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, submission of a completed Oncology Genetic Test Requisition Form is required. If you are an internal ordering provider with access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, no requisition form is required; please place the lab order electronically in Epic. Please send all samples via overnight delivery. Saturday deliveries are accepted; please check Saturday Delivery on shipment label.

If submitting tissue scroll specimen, please use this Tissue Scroll Calculator tool to determine the thickness and number of tissue scrolls to send to the laboratory.

Submission of a tumor sample containing at least 40% tumor is required. Please submit snap-frozen, paraffin-embedded, or OCT-embedded tumor tissue. Submission of a normal (germline) samples is no longer recommended/required for this testing.

Targeted oncology microarray analysis is performed on the Affymetrix OncoScan(TM) CNV platform to detect clinically significant chromosomal aberrations in the tumor to aid in prognosis and treatment assessment. We only accept neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor samples for this test at this time.

Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Set Up Schedule

All tests not performed daily.

Typical Turnaround

2 weeks

Lab Area

Institute for Genomic Medicine

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.


Microarray analysis, DNA extraction

CPT Codes



  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan

Special Collection

At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted sample (based on internal pathology review). 


Specimen Type Type of Container Volume of Specimen Status
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin embedded tissue   Preferred
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 4 mL Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container   Alternate

Minimum Volume

Specimen Type Type of Container Minimum Volume
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin block  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube  
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 3 mL
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette  
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube  
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container  
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline  

Inpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)

Unacceptable Conditions

Delayed or improper handling, Insufficient tumor content in tumor sample, Inadequate tissue, Tissue degradation, Wrong type of specimen


Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)


If you are an external healthcare provider with no access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, submission of a completed Oncology Genetic Test Requisition Form is required. If you are an internal ordering provider with access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, no requisition form is required; please place the lab order electronically in Epic. Please send all samples via overnight delivery. Saturday deliveries are accepted; please check Saturday Delivery on shipment label.

If submitting tissue scroll specimen, please use this Tissue Scroll Calculator tool to determine the thickness and number of tissue scrolls to send to the laboratory.

Submission of a tumor sample containing at least 40% tumor is required. Please submit snap-frozen, paraffin-embedded, or OCT-embedded tumor tissue. Submission of a normal (germline) samples is no longer recommended/required for this testing.

Targeted oncology microarray analysis is performed on the Affymetrix OncoScan(TM) CNV platform to detect clinically significant chromosomal aberrations in the tumor to aid in prognosis and treatment assessment. We only accept neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor samples for this test at this time.

Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Set Up Schedule

All tests not performed daily.

Typical Turnaround

2 weeks

CPT Codes


Lab Area

Institute for Genomic Medicine


  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan

Estimated Patient Price

$1,000 - $2,500

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.


  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan

CPT Codes


Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.


Microarray analysis, DNA extraction

Special Collection

At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted sample (based on internal pathology review). 

Outpatient Submit with Specimen


Specimen Type Type of Container Volume of Specimen Status
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin embedded tissue   Preferred
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 4 mL Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container   Alternate

Minimum Volume

Specimen Type Type of Container Minimum Volume
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin block  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube  
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 3 mL
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette  
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube  
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container  
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline  

Inpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)

Outpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Freeze immediately after collection.
                                    Keep frozen
                                    Protect from heat
                                    Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Bone marrow: Do not freeze
                        Do not centrifuge
                       Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

OCT-embedded tissue: Freeze immediately after collection.
                                      Keep frozen
                                      Protect from heat
                                      Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Paraffin embedded tissue: Keep at room temperature
                                           Protect from heat

Tissue (Fresh): Transport to lab on ice immediately after collection
                         Keep at room temperature

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Must accompany H&E slide from the same tissue block used to make FFPE scrolls
                                     Protect from heat
                                     Keep at room temperature

InLab Processing

Send to Molecular Genetics Lab with all submitted paperwork. For Non-EPIC lab orders, lab staff to order GENSP in Sunquest.


Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)

Unacceptable Conditions

Delayed or improper handling, Insufficient tumor content in tumor sample, Inadequate tissue, Tissue degradation, Wrong type of specimen

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Set Up Schedule

All tests not performed daily.

Typical Turnaround

2 weeks


If you are an external healthcare provider with no access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, submission of a completed Oncology Genetic Test Requisition Form is required. If you are an internal ordering provider with access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, no requisition form is required; please place the lab order electronically in Epic. Please send all samples via overnight delivery. Saturday deliveries are accepted; please check Saturday Delivery on shipment label.

If submitting tissue scroll specimen, please use this Tissue Scroll Calculator tool to determine the thickness and number of tissue scrolls to send to the laboratory.

Submission of a tumor sample containing at least 40% tumor is required. Please submit snap-frozen, paraffin-embedded, or OCT-embedded tumor tissue. Submission of a normal (germline) samples is no longer recommended/required for this testing.

Targeted oncology microarray analysis is performed on the Affymetrix OncoScan(TM) CNV platform to detect clinically significant chromosomal aberrations in the tumor to aid in prognosis and treatment assessment. We only accept neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor samples for this test at this time.

Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.


  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan


Microarray analysis, DNA extraction

CPT Codes


Estimated Patient Price

$1,000 - $2,500

DC Code


Downtime Availability

4-Not available
Outpatient Requirements

Special Collection

At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted sample (based on internal pathology review). 

Outpatient Submit with Specimen


Specimen Type Type of Container Volume of Specimen Status
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin embedded tissue   Preferred
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 4 mL Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container   Alternate

Outpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Freeze immediately after collection.
                                    Keep frozen
                                    Protect from heat
                                    Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Bone marrow: Do not freeze
                        Do not centrifuge
                       Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

OCT-embedded tissue: Freeze immediately after collection.
                                      Keep frozen
                                      Protect from heat
                                      Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Paraffin embedded tissue: Keep at room temperature
                                           Protect from heat

Tissue (Fresh): Transport to lab on ice immediately after collection
                         Keep at room temperature

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Must accompany H&E slide from the same tissue block used to make FFPE scrolls
                                     Protect from heat
                                     Keep at room temperature

Unacceptable Conditions

Delayed or improper handling, Insufficient tumor content in tumor sample, Inadequate tissue, Tissue degradation, Wrong type of specimen


Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)


If you are an external healthcare provider with no access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, submission of a completed Oncology Genetic Test Requisition Form is required. If you are an internal ordering provider with access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, no requisition form is required; please place the lab order electronically in Epic. Please send all samples via overnight delivery. Saturday deliveries are accepted; please check Saturday Delivery on shipment label.

If submitting tissue scroll specimen, please use this Tissue Scroll Calculator tool to determine the thickness and number of tissue scrolls to send to the laboratory.

Submission of a tumor sample containing at least 40% tumor is required. Please submit snap-frozen, paraffin-embedded, or OCT-embedded tumor tissue. Submission of a normal (germline) samples is no longer recommended/required for this testing.

Targeted oncology microarray analysis is performed on the Affymetrix OncoScan(TM) CNV platform to detect clinically significant chromosomal aberrations in the tumor to aid in prognosis and treatment assessment. We only accept neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor samples for this test at this time.

Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Set Up Schedule

All tests not performed daily.

Typical Turnaround

2 weeks

Lab Area

Institute for Genomic Medicine

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.


Microarray analysis, DNA extraction

CPT Codes



  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan
Inpatient Requirements

Special Collection

At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted sample (based on internal pathology review). 


Specimen Type Type of Container Volume of Specimen Status
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin embedded tissue   Preferred
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 4 mL Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container   Alternate

Minimum Volume

Specimen Type Type of Container Minimum Volume
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin block  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube  
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 3 mL
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette  
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube  
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container  
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline  

Inpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)

Unacceptable Conditions

Delayed or improper handling, Insufficient tumor content in tumor sample, Inadequate tissue, Tissue degradation, Wrong type of specimen


Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)


If you are an external healthcare provider with no access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, submission of a completed Oncology Genetic Test Requisition Form is required. If you are an internal ordering provider with access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, no requisition form is required; please place the lab order electronically in Epic. Please send all samples via overnight delivery. Saturday deliveries are accepted; please check Saturday Delivery on shipment label.

If submitting tissue scroll specimen, please use this Tissue Scroll Calculator tool to determine the thickness and number of tissue scrolls to send to the laboratory.

Submission of a tumor sample containing at least 40% tumor is required. Please submit snap-frozen, paraffin-embedded, or OCT-embedded tumor tissue. Submission of a normal (germline) samples is no longer recommended/required for this testing.

Targeted oncology microarray analysis is performed on the Affymetrix OncoScan(TM) CNV platform to detect clinically significant chromosomal aberrations in the tumor to aid in prognosis and treatment assessment. We only accept neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor samples for this test at this time.

Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Set Up Schedule

All tests not performed daily.

Typical Turnaround

2 weeks

CPT Codes


Lab Area

Institute for Genomic Medicine


  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan

Estimated Patient Price

$1,000 - $2,500

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.


  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan

CPT Codes


Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.


Microarray analysis, DNA extraction
NCH Lab Only

Special Collection

At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted sample (based on internal pathology review). 

Outpatient Submit with Specimen


Specimen Type Type of Container Volume of Specimen Status
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin embedded tissue   Preferred
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 4 mL Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette mass 0.05 grams Alternate
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline mass 0.05 grams Alternate
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container   Alternate

Minimum Volume

Specimen Type Type of Container Minimum Volume
Paraffin embedded tissue Paraffin block  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Tissue cassette  
Tissue (Snap-frozen) Cryogenic tube  
Bone marrow 4 mL Purple tube (EDTA) 3 mL
OCT-embedded tissue Tissue cassette  
OCT-embedded tissue Cryogenic tube  
Tissue scrolls (FFPE) Sterile container  
Tissue (Fresh) Sterile container with saline  

Inpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)

Outpatient Specimen Preparation

Tissue (Snap-frozen): Freeze immediately after collection.
                                    Keep frozen
                                    Protect from heat
                                    Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Bone marrow: Do not freeze
                        Do not centrifuge
                       Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

OCT-embedded tissue: Freeze immediately after collection.
                                      Keep frozen
                                      Protect from heat
                                      Transport to laboratory as soon as possible

Paraffin embedded tissue: Keep at room temperature
                                           Protect from heat

Tissue (Fresh): Transport to lab on ice immediately after collection
                         Keep at room temperature

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Must accompany H&E slide from the same tissue block used to make FFPE scrolls
                                     Protect from heat
                                     Keep at room temperature

InLab Processing

Send to Molecular Genetics Lab with all submitted paperwork. For Non-EPIC lab orders, lab staff to order GENSP in Sunquest.


Tissue (Snap-frozen): Frozen 24 hour(s)

Bone marrow: Room temperature 2 day(s)
Bone marrow: Refrigerated 1 week(s)

OCT-embedded tissue: Frozen 24 hour(s

Paraffin embedded tissue: Room temperature 6 month(s)

Tissue (Fresh): Room temperature 24 hour(s)

Tissue scrolls (FFPE): Room temperature 6 month(s)

Unacceptable Conditions

Delayed or improper handling, Insufficient tumor content in tumor sample, Inadequate tissue, Tissue degradation, Wrong type of specimen

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Set Up Schedule

All tests not performed daily.

Typical Turnaround

2 weeks


If you are an external healthcare provider with no access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, submission of a completed Oncology Genetic Test Requisition Form is required. If you are an internal ordering provider with access to Nationwide Children's Epic system, no requisition form is required; please place the lab order electronically in Epic. Please send all samples via overnight delivery. Saturday deliveries are accepted; please check Saturday Delivery on shipment label.

If submitting tissue scroll specimen, please use this Tissue Scroll Calculator tool to determine the thickness and number of tissue scrolls to send to the laboratory.

Submission of a tumor sample containing at least 40% tumor is required. Please submit snap-frozen, paraffin-embedded, or OCT-embedded tumor tissue. Submission of a normal (germline) samples is no longer recommended/required for this testing.

Targeted oncology microarray analysis is performed on the Affymetrix OncoScan(TM) CNV platform to detect clinically significant chromosomal aberrations in the tumor to aid in prognosis and treatment assessment. We only accept neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor samples for this test at this time.

Clinical Information


This test evaluates the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Neuroblastoma:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • Copy number gain of 1q, 2p and 17q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 3p, 4p and 11q
  • MYCN and ALK gene amplification or copy gain
  • Whole chromosome gains will also be detected with the assay

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.

Wilms Tumor:

This test evaluates for the following clinically significant aberrations within the cancer genome for Wilms Tumor:

  • Copy number loss of 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p
  • Copy number gain of 1q
  • Copy-Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity (CN-LOH) involving 1p, 11p13, 11p15, 16q, and 17p

Although this is primarily a targeted assay for aberrations of established clinical significance, other genomic copy number aberrations and LOH with emerging significance may be reported.


  1. At least 40% tumor must be present in the submitted tumor sample. A result from a sample containing <40% tumor may be reported as unsatisfactory (no results reported) if clearly discernible abnormalities are not observed. An internal pathology review will be performed on submitted tumor samples to verify tumor content.
  2. Pre-treatment tumor samples are preferred over post-treatment samples. If submitting a tumor sample collected during or after treatment (e.g. post-chemotherapy), please indicate post-treatment status of the sample on the requisition form.
  3. An FFPE tissue block is preferred over FFPE tissue scrolls. If submitting FFPE tissue scrolls, an H&E slide from a consecutive cut is also required Please contact the laboratory at (614) 722-5321 to request the scroll calculator application to be emailed to you to determine the number of scrolls required. Tissue blocks can be returned to the treating institution upon request.

Battery Members

Genome-wide microarray analysis for Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor with copy number and LOH reported for targeted regions of interest.


  • Wilms tumor microarray, Neuroblastoma microarray, segmental aneuploidy, segmental loss of heterozygosity, Neuroblastoma loss of heterozygosity 1p and 11q, Wilms Tumor loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q, loss of heterozygosity, LOH, Copy number abnormality, NBL, segmental aberrations, array, Tumor, Cancer, microarray, SNP microarray, chromosomal microarray, genome microarray, Oncology, Neoplastic, copy number aberrations, IGM Test, Affy, Affymetrix, Oncoscan


Microarray analysis, DNA extraction

CPT Codes


Estimated Patient Price

$1,000 - $2,500

DC Code


Downtime Availability

4-Not available

Lab Area

Lab Area
Institute for Genomic Medicine