Products containing carbomers, including vaginal lubricants, creams and gels may interfere with the test and should not be used during or prior to collecting urogenital specimens
Important note: Specimens from patients <18 years old must be collected using Aptima collection kits
Please contact Lab Customer Service at 801-507-2110 for Aptima collection kits
Ordering Recommendations
This test is not recommended for evaluation of suspected sexual abuse or for other medico-legal indications
Female patients: cobas PCR media Uni Swab - vaginal (preferred) or cervical
cobas PCR media Dual Swab - endocervical
NOTE: The woven swab is for cleaning. Discard it after use. Submit ONLY the flocked swab for testing. Samples including both swabs will be rejected.
cobas PCR Media Urine Kit - first catch urine
NOTE: The urine/media level should be between the two black lines on the cobas PCR Media urine tube label window (combined urine/media volume, about 4.3 mL)
Also acceptable:
ThinPrep PreservCyt - vaginal, cervical or endocervical
5 mL first catch urine in a sterile, leak-proof container (e.g., Power Cup) or in urine preservative tubes (e.g., grey-topped C&S Preservative Plus urine tube w/ Boric Acid preservative)
Male patients: cobas PCR Media Urine Kit - first catch urine
NOTE: The urine/media level should be between the two black lines on the cobas PCR Media urine tube label window (combined urine/media volume, about 4.3 mL)
Also acceptable:
5 mL first catch urine in a sterile, leak-proof container (e.g., Power Cup) or in urine preservative tubes (e.g., grey-topped C&S Preservative Plus urine tube w/ Boric Acid preservative)
Pediatric Collection
This test is not performed on patients under 18 years old Refer to test code TVNAA for Trichomonas vaginalis testing for patients under 18 years old
Specimen Preparation, Minimum Volume
Urine in a sterile container must be transferred to a cobas PCR media urine tube within 24 hours of collection if kept at room temperature, or within 7 days if refrigerated
For urine volumes less than about 4.3 mL, add a 1:1 ratio of urine to cobas PCR media in a clean tube
Write "1:1" on tube label, and initial
Storage/Transport Temperature
In cobas PCR media
Refrigerated or ambient
Urine in sterile container
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Swab in cobas PCR media
Room temperature: 12 months
Refrigerated: 12 months
Frozen: unacceptable
Urine in cobas PCR Media
Room temperature: 12 months
Refrigerated: 12 months
Frozen: unacceptable
Urine in sterile container
Room temperature: 24 hours
Refrigerated: 7 days
Frozen: unacceptable
Unacceptable Conditions
Two (2) swabs in the same cobas PCR media tube
Endocervical samples collected with woven swab
Vaginal samples collected with flocked swab
Tuesday, Friday
Wednesday, Saturday
Nucleic Acid Amplification (NAA)
Reference Interval
Not Detected (NDE)
Lab Department
Molecular Pathology
Testing Location
Intermountain Central Laboratory
Trichomonas vaginalis
Trich NAA
Trich NAAT
Trich TMA
Trichomonas NAA
Trichomonas NAAT
Trichomonas TMA
CPT Codes
Interface Order Code (OBR)
Interface Result Code (OBX)
Special Instructions
Products containing carbomers, including vaginal lubricants, creams and gels may interfere with the test and should not be used during or prior to collecting urogenital specimens
Important note: Specimens from patients <18 years old must be collected using Aptima collection kits
Please contact Lab Customer Service at 801-507-2110 for Aptima collection kits
Ordering Recommendations
This test is not recommended for evaluation of suspected sexual abuse or for other medico-legal indications
Female patients: cobas PCR media Uni Swab - vaginal (preferred) or cervical
cobas PCR media Dual Swab - endocervical
NOTE: The woven swab is for cleaning. Discard it after use. Submit ONLY the flocked swab for testing. Samples including both swabs will be rejected.
cobas PCR Media Urine Kit - first catch urine
NOTE: The urine/media level should be between the two black lines on the cobas PCR Media urine tube label window (combined urine/media volume, about 4.3 mL)
Also acceptable:
ThinPrep PreservCyt - vaginal, cervical or endocervical
5 mL first catch urine in a sterile, leak-proof container (e.g., Power Cup) or in urine preservative tubes (e.g., grey-topped C&S Preservative Plus urine tube w/ Boric Acid preservative)
Male patients: cobas PCR Media Urine Kit - first catch urine
NOTE: The urine/media level should be between the two black lines on the cobas PCR Media urine tube label window (combined urine/media volume, about 4.3 mL)
Also acceptable:
5 mL first catch urine in a sterile, leak-proof container (e.g., Power Cup) or in urine preservative tubes (e.g., grey-topped C&S Preservative Plus urine tube w/ Boric Acid preservative)
Pediatric Collection
This test is not performed on patients under 18 years old Refer to test code TVNAA for Trichomonas vaginalis testing for patients under 18 years old
Specimen Preparation, Minimum Volume
Urine in a sterile container must be transferred to a cobas PCR media urine tube within 24 hours of collection if kept at room temperature, or within 7 days if refrigerated
For urine volumes less than about 4.3 mL, add a 1:1 ratio of urine to cobas PCR media in a clean tube
Write "1:1" on tube label, and initial
Storage/Transport Temperature
In cobas PCR media
Refrigerated or ambient
Urine in sterile container
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Swab in cobas PCR media
Room temperature: 12 months
Refrigerated: 12 months
Frozen: unacceptable
Urine in cobas PCR Media
Room temperature: 12 months
Refrigerated: 12 months
Frozen: unacceptable
Urine in sterile container
Room temperature: 24 hours
Refrigerated: 7 days
Frozen: unacceptable
Unacceptable Conditions
Two (2) swabs in the same cobas PCR media tube
Endocervical samples collected with woven swab
Vaginal samples collected with flocked swab