This qualitative PCR test is used for congenital screening of neonates for CMV-associated hearing loss. Diagnosis of congenital CMV is critical for disease management and intervention. Neonatal screening in either saliva or urine and confirming in urine is recommended for a definitive diagnosis for congenital CMV based on testing guidelines.
This test is only for infants less than 21 days of age.
Saliva flocked swab
Urine: 1 mL (Min: 0.5 mL)
Specimen Container
Preferred Saliva Collection Device: UTM with flocked swab
Acceptable Saliva Collection Device: Remel M4RT or similar with flocked swab
Urine: Sterile, leak-proof container, containing no preservative
Specimen Preparation
Storage/Transport Temperature
Saliva flocked swab in UTM: Refrigerated
Urine: Send STAT Refrigerated
Unacceptable Conditions
Saliva flocked swab in any transport media other than UTM, UVT, Remel M4RT, M4, M5 or M6. No swab in collection tube. Calcium alginate or cotton swabs. Specimen not received in tranport media.
Urine: Urine in preservative. Delayed transport (greater than 2 hours at room temperature or greate than 8 hours refrigerated).
Specimen source required.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Saliva flocked swab in UTM: Ambient: 48 hours; Refrigerated: 7 days; Frozen: 14 days
Urine: Ambient: 2 hours; Refrigerated: 8 hours; Frozen: 3 days
Do not collect saliva sample within one hour of breastfeeding.
This test should not be used to monitor treatment of CMV.
Ordering Recommendations
This qualitative PCR test is used for congenital screening of neonates for CMV-associated hearing loss. Diagnosis of congenital CMV is critical for disease management and intervention. Neonatal screening in either saliva or urine and confirming in urine is recommended for a definitive diagnosis for congenital CMV based on testing guidelines.
This test is only for infants less than 21 days of age.
EPIC Order Code
Sunquest Code
Congenital cytomegalovirus
Congenital CMV
Qualitative CMV
CMV congenital hearing loss
CMV PCR Saliva
CMV qualitative, saliva
Human herpesvirus 5
CPT Codes
Reference Interval
Not Detected
Interpretive Data
Negative results do not rule out congenital CMV infections and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions.
Positive results from a saliva or urine sample should be confirmed with a subsequent urine sample.
This test has only been evaluated for infants of less than 21 days of age.
This test does not provide the quantitative value (i.e. viral load) and should not be used to monitor response to treatment of CMV infection.
Ordering Recommendations
This qualitative PCR test is used for congenital screening of neonates for CMV-associated hearing loss. Diagnosis of congenital CMV is critical for disease management and intervention. Neonatal screening in either saliva or urine and confirming in urine is recommended for a definitive diagnosis for congenital CMV based on testing guidelines.
This test is only for infants less than 21 days of age.
Saliva flocked swab
Urine: 1 mL (Min: 0.5 mL)
Specimen Container
Preferred Saliva Collection Device: UTM with flocked swab
Acceptable Saliva Collection Device: Remel M4RT or similar with flocked swab
Urine: Sterile, leak-proof container, containing no preservative
Specimen Preparation
Storage/Transport Temperature
Saliva flocked swab in UTM: Refrigerated
Urine: Send STAT Refrigerated
Unacceptable Conditions
Saliva flocked swab in any transport media other than UTM, UVT, Remel M4RT, M4, M5 or M6. No swab in collection tube. Calcium alginate or cotton swabs. Specimen not received in tranport media.
Urine: Urine in preservative. Delayed transport (greater than 2 hours at room temperature or greate than 8 hours refrigerated).
Specimen source required.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Saliva flocked swab in UTM: Ambient: 48 hours; Refrigerated: 7 days; Frozen: 14 days
Urine: Ambient: 2 hours; Refrigerated: 8 hours; Frozen: 3 days
Do not collect saliva sample within one hour of breastfeeding.
This test should not be used to monitor treatment of CMV.
Ordering Recommendations
This qualitative PCR test is used for congenital screening of neonates for CMV-associated hearing loss. Diagnosis of congenital CMV is critical for disease management and intervention. Neonatal screening in either saliva or urine and confirming in urine is recommended for a definitive diagnosis for congenital CMV based on testing guidelines.
This test is only for infants less than 21 days of age.
EPIC Order Code
Sunquest Code
Congenital cytomegalovirus
Congenital CMV
Qualitative CMV
CMV congenital hearing loss
CMV PCR Saliva
CMV qualitative, saliva
Human herpesvirus 5
Fees & Codes
CPT Codes
Clinical & Interpretive
Reference Interval
Not Detected
Interpretive Data
Negative results do not rule out congenital CMV infections and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions.
Positive results from a saliva or urine sample should be confirmed with a subsequent urine sample.
This test has only been evaluated for infants of less than 21 days of age.
This test does not provide the quantitative value (i.e. viral load) and should not be used to monitor response to treatment of CMV infection.