Collect whole blood in one of the following containers. (Plasma recovery in lab)
*Plasma Preparation Tubes (PPT tubes with pearl-white closure and K2 EDTA) are the preferred collection tubes.
*Lavendar EDTA tubes are also acceptable.
Specimen Preparation
Specimens should be sent to the laboratory immediately after collection.
Unacceptable Conditions
Rejection Criteria:
*Non-plasma specimens (ex. gold top, red top, etc.)
*Whole blood stored at inappropriate temperatures or for longer periods of time than recommended
*Sharing samples with another laboratory or another viral test
Storage/Transport Temperature
For CHOP: transport whole blood specimens as soon as possible at room temperature to Central Laboratory Services. For outside clients: it is recommended that plasma specimens be removed from the separator gel as soon as possible after collection and before shipping specimens.
LAB PROCESSING AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Remove plasma from the cells by centrifuging the collection tube at 1,000 x g for 10-15 minutes. If storage is required for >3 days, plasma specimens must be stored frozen at -70°C or lower. Multiple freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided and should not exceed three freeze/thaw cycles.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
*Freshly collected whole blood specimens are stable at 2-30°C for up to 24 hours after collection.
*Centrifuged PPT samples are stable at 2-30°C for up to 24 hours after collection.
*Plasma samples separated from the gel or blood clot are stable at 2-8°C for up to 3 days of collection.
Volume Required
3 mL whole blood = 1 lavender tube or 1 PPT
Minimum Required
2 mL whole blood = 1 lavender tube or 1 PPT
Phlebotomy Draw
Performing Lab
Infectious Disease Diagnostics Laboratory
Amplification and quantification of HIV-1 RNA using transcription-mediated amplification (TMA) targeting HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) and POL genomic RNA.
Same day
This test is intended for use in conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory markers of disease. The assay can be used to assess prognosis of disease progression and to monitor the efficacy of antiretroviral therapy by measuring changes in HIV-1 RNA levels in peripheral blood during the course of therapy.
The assay is not intended for use as a donor screening test for HIV.
See Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Drug Resistance by Next Generation Sequencing (ARUP send-out)
Interp Data
If positive, quantity of HIV-1 RNA is reported in copies/ml and log10 values.
The dynamic range of the assay is 30 copies/ml (1.48 log) to 10 million copies/ml (7 log).
Reference Ranges
Negative or quantity of HIV-1 RNA is less than the lower limit of detection
CPT Codes
Collect whole blood in one of the following containers. (Plasma recovery in lab)
*Plasma Preparation Tubes (PPT tubes with pearl-white closure and K2 EDTA) are the preferred collection tubes.
*Lavendar EDTA tubes are also acceptable.
Specimen Preparation
Specimens should be sent to the laboratory immediately after collection.
Unacceptable Conditions
Rejection Criteria:
*Non-plasma specimens (ex. gold top, red top, etc.)
*Whole blood stored at inappropriate temperatures or for longer periods of time than recommended
*Sharing samples with another laboratory or another viral test
Storage/Transport Temperature
For CHOP: transport whole blood specimens as soon as possible at room temperature to Central Laboratory Services. For outside clients: it is recommended that plasma specimens be removed from the separator gel as soon as possible after collection and before shipping specimens.
LAB PROCESSING AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Remove plasma from the cells by centrifuging the collection tube at 1,000 x g for 10-15 minutes. If storage is required for >3 days, plasma specimens must be stored frozen at -70°C or lower. Multiple freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided and should not exceed three freeze/thaw cycles.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
*Freshly collected whole blood specimens are stable at 2-30°C for up to 24 hours after collection.
*Centrifuged PPT samples are stable at 2-30°C for up to 24 hours after collection.
*Plasma samples separated from the gel or blood clot are stable at 2-8°C for up to 3 days of collection.
Volume Required
3 mL whole blood = 1 lavender tube or 1 PPT
Minimum Required
2 mL whole blood = 1 lavender tube or 1 PPT
Phlebotomy Draw
Performing Lab
Infectious Disease Diagnostics Laboratory
Amplification and quantification of HIV-1 RNA using transcription-mediated amplification (TMA) targeting HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) and POL genomic RNA.
Same day
This test is intended for use in conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory markers of disease. The assay can be used to assess prognosis of disease progression and to monitor the efficacy of antiretroviral therapy by measuring changes in HIV-1 RNA levels in peripheral blood during the course of therapy.
The assay is not intended for use as a donor screening test for HIV.
See Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Drug Resistance by Next Generation Sequencing (ARUP send-out)
Result Interpretation
Interp Data
If positive, quantity of HIV-1 RNA is reported in copies/ml and log10 values.
The dynamic range of the assay is 30 copies/ml (1.48 log) to 10 million copies/ml (7 log).
Reference Ranges
Negative or quantity of HIV-1 RNA is less than the lower limit of detection