Also acceptable: Serum; Plain Red or Serum Separator Tube (SST)
Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL Plasma or Serum
Storage/Transport Temperature
Refrigerated (2-8°C). Submit specimen in plastic transport tube. Avoid freeze thaw cycles.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Ambient: 8 hours
Refrigerated: 2 days
Frozen: 6 months.
Frozen samples should only be thawed once.
Unacceptable Conditions
Hemolyzed specimens.
Same day
Performing Lab
Avera McKennan Regional Laboratory
CPT Codes
Compliance & Service Center Alerts
Medicare Coverage Notice: Test covered under Medicare NCD or LCD. Medical necessity documentation, evaluation and appropriate Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) use/assessment is required for Medicare patients. If an ABN is required, it must be submitted with the test requisition.
Electrochemiluminescent Immunoassay
Ordering / Collection
Test Mnemonic
Plasma; Lithium Heparin
Also acceptable: Serum; Plain Red or Serum Separator Tube (SST)
Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL Plasma or Serum
Storage/Transport Temperature
Refrigerated (2-8°C). Submit specimen in plastic transport tube. Avoid freeze thaw cycles.
Stability (from collection to initiation)
Ambient: 8 hours
Refrigerated: 2 days
Frozen: 6 months.
Frozen samples should only be thawed once.
Unacceptable Conditions
Hemolyzed specimens.
Test Performance / Compliance
Same day
Performing Lab
Avera McKennan Regional Laboratory
CPT Codes
Compliance & Service Center Alerts
Medicare Coverage Notice: Test covered under Medicare NCD or LCD. Medical necessity documentation, evaluation and appropriate Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) use/assessment is required for Medicare patients. If an ABN is required, it must be submitted with the test requisition.