Ordering Recommendations

Useful in the assessment of recent exposure to arsenic, mercury, and lead. For chronic exposure or the determination of arsenic species, refer to Heavy Metals Panel 4, Urine with Reflex to Arsenic Fractionation (0020572). For occupational exposure, consider Lead, Industrial Exposure Panel, Adults (0025016) and/or Cadmium Exposure Panel - OSHA (0025013).

Inpatient Approval Requirements

Approval is required for inpatient testing. Please contact the resident on chemistry at 215 980 9770 between 8-5 M-F. For urgent matters at any other time, please contact the Pathology resident on call at 215 306 0286.

Patient Preparation

Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patients should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician), and avoid shellfish and seafood for 48 to 72 hours.

Collection Container


Royal blue (K2EDTA) or Royal blue (NaHep).

Specimen Preparation

Transport 3 or 6 mL whole blood in the original collection tube. (Min: 0.5 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature

Room temperature. Also acceptable: Refrigerated.

Stability (from collection to initiation)

Ambient: 1 week; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: Unacceptable

Unacceptable Conditions

Specimens collected in tubes other than Royal blue (K2EDTA) or Royal blue (NaHep). Specimens transported in containers other than Royal blue (K2EDTA) or Royal blue (NaHep) or Trace Element-Free Transport Tube. Clotted specimens.


Mercury is volatile; concentration may decrease over time. If the specimen is drawn and stored in the appropriate container, the arsenic and lead values do not change with time.

Referral Lab

Processing - HUP

ARUP Code: 99470. Send as is to ARUP, room temp.

Reference Interval

Reference Interval
Lead, Blood (Venous)
Reference Interval (µg/dL)
0-5 yearsLess than or equal to 3.4
6 years or aboveLess than or equal to 4.9

Arsenic BloodLess than or equal to 12.0 µg/L
Mercury BloodLess than or equal to 10.0 µg/L

Interpretive Data

Refer to report.

CPT Codes

82175; 83655; 83825


  • 77307-7
  • 5583-0
  • 5685-3

ARUP Test Code

Collection & Processing

Ordering Recommendations

Useful in the assessment of recent exposure to arsenic, mercury, and lead. For chronic exposure or the determination of arsenic species, refer to Heavy Metals Panel 4, Urine with Reflex to Arsenic Fractionation (0020572). For occupational exposure, consider Lead, Industrial Exposure Panel, Adults (0025016) and/or Cadmium Exposure Panel - OSHA (0025013).

Inpatient Approval Requirements

Approval is required for inpatient testing. Please contact the resident on chemistry at 215 980 9770 between 8-5 M-F. For urgent matters at any other time, please contact the Pathology resident on call at 215 306 0286.

Patient Preparation

Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patients should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician), and avoid shellfish and seafood for 48 to 72 hours.

Collection Container


Royal blue (K2EDTA) or Royal blue (NaHep).

Specimen Preparation

Transport 3 or 6 mL whole blood in the original collection tube. (Min: 0.5 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature

Room temperature. Also acceptable: Refrigerated.

Stability (from collection to initiation)

Ambient: 1 week; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: Unacceptable

Unacceptable Conditions

Specimens collected in tubes other than Royal blue (K2EDTA) or Royal blue (NaHep). Specimens transported in containers other than Royal blue (K2EDTA) or Royal blue (NaHep) or Trace Element-Free Transport Tube. Clotted specimens.


Mercury is volatile; concentration may decrease over time. If the specimen is drawn and stored in the appropriate container, the arsenic and lead values do not change with time.

Referral Lab

CR&P Information

Processing - HUP

ARUP Code: 99470. Send as is to ARUP, room temp.
Result Interpretation

Reference Interval

Reference Interval
Lead, Blood (Venous)
Reference Interval (µg/dL)
0-5 yearsLess than or equal to 3.4
6 years or aboveLess than or equal to 4.9

Arsenic BloodLess than or equal to 12.0 µg/L
Mercury BloodLess than or equal to 10.0 µg/L

Interpretive Data

Refer to report.

Testing Updates
Billing Codes

CPT Codes

82175; 83655; 83825


  • 77307-7
  • 5583-0
  • 5685-3

ARUP Test Code


Ordering Information

Cerner Orderable
Heavy Metal Screen; HMTS; HMS
Penn Chart Orderable
Blood Heavy Metals Screen (HMTS); C9010410
Performing Lab
1-4 days
Quantitative Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
  • Mercury
  • Hg
  • lead blood level
  • arsenic blood level
  • AS
  • Pb
  • Arsenic
  • Lead
  • mercury blood level

ARUP Consult®

Disease Topics