Available Stat


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics (Microarray)




7-21 days

Additional Information

Genomic aberrations that may not be detected by SNP array assay include:
- Balanced rearrangement (i.e. balanced translocation, insertion or inversion) and tetraploidy resulted from endoduplication.
- Low level (<30%) mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements and aneuploidy
- Nucleotide sequence changes (i.e. point mutation or small insertion/deletion below the level of detection or cut-off thresholds)
Imbalances of regions not represented on the array
- Genomic changes in mixed samples (i.e. prenatal samples with maternal cell contamination)

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCAFCV) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosomes studies

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCPOC) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosome studies


  • Array CGH Tissue or Products of Conception
  • SNP array chorionic villus sample
  • SNP array CVS
  • SNP array amniocentesis

Sample Type

Tissue or POC

Cytogenetics laboratory only accepts genomic DNA samples for clinical microarray testing when they are extracted in a CLIA-certified laboratory and meet the lab requirement, including >=500 ng DNA with a concentration >=50ng/uL and A260/280 ratio >=1.8. Electrophoresis gel image and/or DNA integrity related information should also be provided to the lab. Acceptance of any extracted gDNA sample should be approved by the lab director. Contact Cytogenetics 514-8964. 


Sterile centrifuge tube with transport media provided by lab, Hanks balanced salt solution or RPMI with antibiotics

Amount to Collect

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Preferred Volume

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Minimum Volume

0.3 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 15 mg tissue


Insurance pre-authorization required for outpatients

Label tube with type of tissue being submitted

Transport sample at room temperature as soon as possible to lab. If transport is delayed refrigerate sample.

Without insurance pre -authorization, the lab will change the order to SNP microarray Processing, Extraction and Storage and hold DNA for six months . Microarray will be run upon insurance authorization approval within 6 months.

Stability (from collection to initiation)

48 hours at Room temperature

Unacceptable Conditions

Leaking, contaminated, frozen or mislabeled tube(s)

Test Code


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics (Microarray)

Specimen Preparation

Refrigerate samples DO NOT CENTRIFUGE OR FREEZE. Transport asap to China Basin Cytogenetics

For questions, contact the microarray laboratory at 514-8964

Preferred Volume

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Minimum Volume

0.3 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 15 mg tissue

Unacceptable Conditions

Leaking, contaminated, frozen or mislabeled tube(s)

Stability (from collection to initiation)

48 hours at Room temperature

Additional Information

Genomic aberrations that may not be detected by SNP array assay include:
- Balanced rearrangement (i.e. balanced translocation, insertion or inversion) and tetraploidy resulted from endoduplication.
- Low level (<30%) mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements and aneuploidy
- Nucleotide sequence changes (i.e. point mutation or small insertion/deletion below the level of detection or cut-off thresholds)
Imbalances of regions not represented on the array
- Genomic changes in mixed samples (i.e. prenatal samples with maternal cell contamination)

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCAFCV) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosomes studies

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCPOC) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosome studies

CPT Codes

81229, 88233

Note: Additional charges for MCC studies when necessary, culture set-up fees may apply

LDT or Modified FDA


Available Stat


Test Code


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics (Microarray)




Insurance pre-authorization required for outpatients

Label tube with type of tissue being submitted

Transport sample at room temperature as soon as possible to lab. If transport is delayed refrigerate sample.

Without insurance pre -authorization, the lab will change the order to SNP microarray Processing, Extraction and Storage and hold DNA for six months . Microarray will be run upon insurance authorization approval within 6 months.


Sterile centrifuge tube with transport media provided by lab, Hanks balanced salt solution or RPMI with antibiotics

Amount to Collect

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Sample Type

Tissue or POC

Cytogenetics laboratory only accepts genomic DNA samples for clinical microarray testing when they are extracted in a CLIA-certified laboratory and meet the lab requirement, including >=500 ng DNA with a concentration >=50ng/uL and A260/280 ratio >=1.8. Electrophoresis gel image and/or DNA integrity related information should also be provided to the lab. Acceptance of any extracted gDNA sample should be approved by the lab director. Contact Cytogenetics 514-8964. 

Preferred Volume

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Minimum Volume

0.3 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 15 mg tissue

Unacceptable Conditions

Leaking, contaminated, frozen or mislabeled tube(s)

Specimen Preparation

Refrigerate samples DO NOT CENTRIFUGE OR FREEZE. Transport asap to China Basin Cytogenetics

For questions, contact the microarray laboratory at 514-8964


  • SNP array amniocentesis
  • SNP array CVS
  • SNP array chorionic villus sample
  • Array CGH Tissue or Products of Conception

Stability (from collection to initiation)

48 hours at Room temperature


7-21 days

Additional Information

Genomic aberrations that may not be detected by SNP array assay include:
- Balanced rearrangement (i.e. balanced translocation, insertion or inversion) and tetraploidy resulted from endoduplication.
- Low level (<30%) mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements and aneuploidy
- Nucleotide sequence changes (i.e. point mutation or small insertion/deletion below the level of detection or cut-off thresholds)
Imbalances of regions not represented on the array
- Genomic changes in mixed samples (i.e. prenatal samples with maternal cell contamination)

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCAFCV) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosomes studies

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCPOC) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosome studies

CPT Codes

81229, 88233

Note: Additional charges for MCC studies when necessary, culture set-up fees may apply

LDT or Modified FDA


Available Stat


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics (Microarray)




7-21 days

Additional Information

Genomic aberrations that may not be detected by SNP array assay include:
- Balanced rearrangement (i.e. balanced translocation, insertion or inversion) and tetraploidy resulted from endoduplication.
- Low level (<30%) mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements and aneuploidy
- Nucleotide sequence changes (i.e. point mutation or small insertion/deletion below the level of detection or cut-off thresholds)
Imbalances of regions not represented on the array
- Genomic changes in mixed samples (i.e. prenatal samples with maternal cell contamination)

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCAFCV) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosomes studies

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCPOC) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosome studies


  • Array CGH Tissue or Products of Conception
  • SNP array chorionic villus sample
  • SNP array CVS
  • SNP array amniocentesis

Sample Type

Tissue or POC

Cytogenetics laboratory only accepts genomic DNA samples for clinical microarray testing when they are extracted in a CLIA-certified laboratory and meet the lab requirement, including >=500 ng DNA with a concentration >=50ng/uL and A260/280 ratio >=1.8. Electrophoresis gel image and/or DNA integrity related information should also be provided to the lab. Acceptance of any extracted gDNA sample should be approved by the lab director. Contact Cytogenetics 514-8964. 


Sterile centrifuge tube with transport media provided by lab, Hanks balanced salt solution or RPMI with antibiotics

Amount to Collect

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Preferred Volume

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Minimum Volume

0.3 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 15 mg tissue


Insurance pre-authorization required for outpatients

Label tube with type of tissue being submitted

Transport sample at room temperature as soon as possible to lab. If transport is delayed refrigerate sample.

Without insurance pre -authorization, the lab will change the order to SNP microarray Processing, Extraction and Storage and hold DNA for six months . Microarray will be run upon insurance authorization approval within 6 months.

Stability (from collection to initiation)

48 hours at Room temperature

Unacceptable Conditions

Leaking, contaminated, frozen or mislabeled tube(s)

Test Code


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics (Microarray)

Specimen Preparation

Refrigerate samples DO NOT CENTRIFUGE OR FREEZE. Transport asap to China Basin Cytogenetics

For questions, contact the microarray laboratory at 514-8964

Preferred Volume

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Minimum Volume

0.3 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 15 mg tissue

Unacceptable Conditions

Leaking, contaminated, frozen or mislabeled tube(s)

Stability (from collection to initiation)

48 hours at Room temperature
Result Interpretation

Additional Information

Genomic aberrations that may not be detected by SNP array assay include:
- Balanced rearrangement (i.e. balanced translocation, insertion or inversion) and tetraploidy resulted from endoduplication.
- Low level (<30%) mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements and aneuploidy
- Nucleotide sequence changes (i.e. point mutation or small insertion/deletion below the level of detection or cut-off thresholds)
Imbalances of regions not represented on the array
- Genomic changes in mixed samples (i.e. prenatal samples with maternal cell contamination)

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCAFCV) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosomes studies

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCPOC) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosome studies

CPT Codes

81229, 88233

Note: Additional charges for MCC studies when necessary, culture set-up fees may apply

LDT or Modified FDA

Complete View

Available Stat


Test Code


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics (Microarray)




Insurance pre-authorization required for outpatients

Label tube with type of tissue being submitted

Transport sample at room temperature as soon as possible to lab. If transport is delayed refrigerate sample.

Without insurance pre -authorization, the lab will change the order to SNP microarray Processing, Extraction and Storage and hold DNA for six months . Microarray will be run upon insurance authorization approval within 6 months.


Sterile centrifuge tube with transport media provided by lab, Hanks balanced salt solution or RPMI with antibiotics

Amount to Collect

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Sample Type

Tissue or POC

Cytogenetics laboratory only accepts genomic DNA samples for clinical microarray testing when they are extracted in a CLIA-certified laboratory and meet the lab requirement, including >=500 ng DNA with a concentration >=50ng/uL and A260/280 ratio >=1.8. Electrophoresis gel image and/or DNA integrity related information should also be provided to the lab. Acceptance of any extracted gDNA sample should be approved by the lab director. Contact Cytogenetics 514-8964. 

Preferred Volume

1 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 20 mg tissue

Minimum Volume

0.3 cc (Cubic centimeter) or 15 mg tissue

Unacceptable Conditions

Leaking, contaminated, frozen or mislabeled tube(s)

Specimen Preparation

Refrigerate samples DO NOT CENTRIFUGE OR FREEZE. Transport asap to China Basin Cytogenetics

For questions, contact the microarray laboratory at 514-8964


  • SNP array amniocentesis
  • SNP array CVS
  • SNP array chorionic villus sample
  • Array CGH Tissue or Products of Conception

Stability (from collection to initiation)

48 hours at Room temperature


7-21 days

Additional Information

Genomic aberrations that may not be detected by SNP array assay include:
- Balanced rearrangement (i.e. balanced translocation, insertion or inversion) and tetraploidy resulted from endoduplication.
- Low level (<30%) mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements and aneuploidy
- Nucleotide sequence changes (i.e. point mutation or small insertion/deletion below the level of detection or cut-off thresholds)
Imbalances of regions not represented on the array
- Genomic changes in mixed samples (i.e. prenatal samples with maternal cell contamination)

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCAFCV) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosomes studies

The lab will charge a tissue culture setup fees (TCPOC) if SNP microarray is ordered without chromosome studies

CPT Codes

81229, 88233

Note: Additional charges for MCC studies when necessary, culture set-up fees may apply

LDT or Modified FDA
