Available Stat


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics


Set up daily, Monday-Friday


Giemsa banding and brightfield microscopy


7-14 days

Additional Information

Minimum volume for an optimal result is greater than or equal to 5 mg. Samples less than 5 mg may result in inconclusive results and a repeat sample may be requested.

Reflex Testing

If an abnormality is detected the Cytogenetics Director will determine the appropriate additional studies (e.g. C-banding, NOR) to be performed to characterize the abnormality.

If additional metaphases are required for final interpretation additional counts will be performed and billed for.

Additional testing may be omitted if specifically requested when the sample is submitted for cytogenetic analysis.


  • Karyotyping
  • Karyotype
  • CVS
  • Chorionic villi
  • Prenatal Cytogenetics
  • Cytogenetic analysis

Sample Type



15 mL centrifuge tube with transport media (RPMI, FBS, L-Glutamine, Sodium Heparin and PenStrep). Available from Cytogenetics.

Amount to Collect

25 mg chorionic villi

Preferred Volume

25 mg chorionic villi

Minimum Volume

5 mg chorionic villi


Collect 25 mg and distribute into two 15 mL orange screw top polypropylene tubes that are filled with transport media. Discard and remove visible maternal deciduas prior to collecting in transport tubes.

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason.

Unacceptable Conditions

Insufficient volume; unlabeled tubes; clotted samples; broken, leaking or contaminated tubes; frozen samples.

Test Code


Test Group

Chromosome Analysis

Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics

Specimen Preparation

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason. Send all tubes and completed paperwork asap to the Cytogenetics laboratory at China Basin.

Preferred Volume

25 mg chorionic villi

Minimum Volume

5 mg chorionic villi

Unacceptable Conditions

Insufficient volume; unlabeled tubes; clotted samples; broken, leaking or contaminated tubes; frozen samples.

Reference Interval

46,XY normal male
46,XX normal female

Additional Information

Minimum volume for an optimal result is greater than or equal to 5 mg. Samples less than 5 mg may result in inconclusive results and a repeat sample may be requested.

CPT Codes

88235, 88267, 88280

LDT or Modified FDA




Available Stat


Test Code


Test Group

Chromosome Analysis

Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics


Set up daily, Monday-Friday


Giemsa banding and brightfield microscopy


Collect 25 mg and distribute into two 15 mL orange screw top polypropylene tubes that are filled with transport media. Discard and remove visible maternal deciduas prior to collecting in transport tubes.

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason.


15 mL centrifuge tube with transport media (RPMI, FBS, L-Glutamine, Sodium Heparin and PenStrep). Available from Cytogenetics.

Amount to Collect

25 mg chorionic villi

Sample Type


Preferred Volume

25 mg chorionic villi

Minimum Volume

5 mg chorionic villi

Unacceptable Conditions

Insufficient volume; unlabeled tubes; clotted samples; broken, leaking or contaminated tubes; frozen samples.

Specimen Preparation

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason. Send all tubes and completed paperwork asap to the Cytogenetics laboratory at China Basin.

Reference Interval

46,XY normal male
46,XX normal female


  • Cytogenetic analysis
  • Prenatal Cytogenetics
  • Chorionic villi
  • CVS
  • Karyotype
  • Karyotyping


7-14 days

Reflex Testing

If an abnormality is detected the Cytogenetics Director will determine the appropriate additional studies (e.g. C-banding, NOR) to be performed to characterize the abnormality.

If additional metaphases are required for final interpretation additional counts will be performed and billed for.

Additional testing may be omitted if specifically requested when the sample is submitted for cytogenetic analysis.

Additional Information

Minimum volume for an optimal result is greater than or equal to 5 mg. Samples less than 5 mg may result in inconclusive results and a repeat sample may be requested.

CPT Codes

88235, 88267, 88280

LDT or Modified FDA




Available Stat


Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics


Set up daily, Monday-Friday


Giemsa banding and brightfield microscopy


7-14 days

Additional Information

Minimum volume for an optimal result is greater than or equal to 5 mg. Samples less than 5 mg may result in inconclusive results and a repeat sample may be requested.

Reflex Testing

If an abnormality is detected the Cytogenetics Director will determine the appropriate additional studies (e.g. C-banding, NOR) to be performed to characterize the abnormality.

If additional metaphases are required for final interpretation additional counts will be performed and billed for.

Additional testing may be omitted if specifically requested when the sample is submitted for cytogenetic analysis.


  • Karyotyping
  • Karyotype
  • CVS
  • Chorionic villi
  • Prenatal Cytogenetics
  • Cytogenetic analysis

Sample Type



15 mL centrifuge tube with transport media (RPMI, FBS, L-Glutamine, Sodium Heparin and PenStrep). Available from Cytogenetics.

Amount to Collect

25 mg chorionic villi

Preferred Volume

25 mg chorionic villi

Minimum Volume

5 mg chorionic villi


Collect 25 mg and distribute into two 15 mL orange screw top polypropylene tubes that are filled with transport media. Discard and remove visible maternal deciduas prior to collecting in transport tubes.

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason.

Unacceptable Conditions

Insufficient volume; unlabeled tubes; clotted samples; broken, leaking or contaminated tubes; frozen samples.

Test Code


Test Group

Chromosome Analysis

Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics

Specimen Preparation

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason. Send all tubes and completed paperwork asap to the Cytogenetics laboratory at China Basin.

Preferred Volume

25 mg chorionic villi

Minimum Volume

5 mg chorionic villi

Unacceptable Conditions

Insufficient volume; unlabeled tubes; clotted samples; broken, leaking or contaminated tubes; frozen samples.
Result Interpretation

Reference Interval

46,XY normal male
46,XX normal female

Additional Information

Minimum volume for an optimal result is greater than or equal to 5 mg. Samples less than 5 mg may result in inconclusive results and a repeat sample may be requested.

CPT Codes

88235, 88267, 88280

LDT or Modified FDA



Complete View

Available Stat


Test Code


Test Group

Chromosome Analysis

Performing Lab

Medical Genomics - Cytogenetics


Set up daily, Monday-Friday


Giemsa banding and brightfield microscopy


Collect 25 mg and distribute into two 15 mL orange screw top polypropylene tubes that are filled with transport media. Discard and remove visible maternal deciduas prior to collecting in transport tubes.

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason.


15 mL centrifuge tube with transport media (RPMI, FBS, L-Glutamine, Sodium Heparin and PenStrep). Available from Cytogenetics.

Amount to Collect

25 mg chorionic villi

Sample Type


Preferred Volume

25 mg chorionic villi

Minimum Volume

5 mg chorionic villi

Unacceptable Conditions

Insufficient volume; unlabeled tubes; clotted samples; broken, leaking or contaminated tubes; frozen samples.

Specimen Preparation

Keep samples at Room temperature. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE for any reason. Send all tubes and completed paperwork asap to the Cytogenetics laboratory at China Basin.

Reference Interval

46,XY normal male
46,XX normal female


  • Cytogenetic analysis
  • Prenatal Cytogenetics
  • Chorionic villi
  • CVS
  • Karyotype
  • Karyotyping


7-14 days

Reflex Testing

If an abnormality is detected the Cytogenetics Director will determine the appropriate additional studies (e.g. C-banding, NOR) to be performed to characterize the abnormality.

If additional metaphases are required for final interpretation additional counts will be performed and billed for.

Additional testing may be omitted if specifically requested when the sample is submitted for cytogenetic analysis.

Additional Information

Minimum volume for an optimal result is greater than or equal to 5 mg. Samples less than 5 mg may result in inconclusive results and a repeat sample may be requested.

CPT Codes

88235, 88267, 88280

LDT or Modified FDA


