CPT Codes



  • DNA Genetic Identity
  • Specimen Identity
  • DNA Fingerprinting

Test Includes

Compare specific DNA patterns (polymorphism) between specimens

Performing Laboratory / Facility

UCLA Medical Center Clinical Laboratory (CHS)

Performing Section

Molecular Pathology


Monday through Friday, 0700-1700

Turnaround Time

14 days after receipt of all of the specimens


The GenePrint® 24 System from Promega uses a one-tube multiplex PCR reaction to simultaneously interrogate 24 DNA loci from a variety of human-derived biological sources.


Establish and compare specific DNA patterns (polymorphisms) between individuals, tissues, or specimens for purposes of identification or lineage

Patient Preparation

Patient should receive no transfusions 90 days prior to testing.


2 different specimens from appropriate specimen types are required for this test

Additional Information

The genetic material of humans is highly polymorphic, and an individual's genotype represents a unique pattern which determines that person's identity and heredity. The only exception to this rule is identical twins, since they are derived from a single fertilized egg and hence have the same DNA profile. As a general rule, DNA is constant in all tissues of the body (even prenatal samples such as amniotic cells and chorionic villi specimens). DNA isolated from any specimen from an individual will be identical, which can prove to be very valuable in forensic evidence. DNA typing provides a valuable tool for establishing family relationships. PCR tests using a panel of DNA primers specific for several polymorphic DNA regions can produce a composite profile which is unique to an individual and can be traced through families to establish relationships. The laboratory report, in the form of a confidential letter, explains in detail all the polymorphic DNA markers used, the results (match or mismatch) with each, and the cumulative probability of paternity or nonpaternity, or identity or nonidentity of specimens.

Specimen Type

Whole Blood
Fresh Tissue
FFPE Slides
Buccal Swab


Whole Blood - Lavender/EDTA
Tissue - Sterile Container
FFPE - Unstained Slides


Whole Blood - 4 mL
Fresh Tissue - >0.2 Grams Tissue Or >2 mm3
FFPE Slides - 10 Unstained Slide+1 H&E Slide
Buccal Swab - 2 Swabs

Minimum Volume

Whole Blood - 4 mL
Fresh Tissue - 0.2 Grams Tissue
FFPE Slides - 10 Unstained Slide+1 H&E Slide
Buccal Swab - 2 Swabs

Storage Temperature

Fresh frozen tissue can be stored in a -70°C freezer until shipped.

Shipping and Handling Instructions

Transport specimen( other then frozen tissue) at room temperature
Fresh frozen tissue transport on dry ice

Causes for Rejection

If the tissue specimen thaws out during transport to the laboratory or before shipping, DNA may not be obtained from the specimen
If <0.2 grams of tissue is sent to the laboratory, it may not yield enough DNA for analysis
Blood samples frozen and thawed (will yield low quality DNA)
Broken slides or tubes
Test Information

CPT Codes



  • DNA Genetic Identity
  • Specimen Identity
  • DNA Fingerprinting

Test Includes

Compare specific DNA patterns (polymorphism) between specimens

Performing Laboratory / Facility

UCLA Medical Center Clinical Laboratory (CHS)

Performing Section

Molecular Pathology


Monday through Friday, 0700-1700

Turnaround Time

14 days after receipt of all of the specimens


The GenePrint® 24 System from Promega uses a one-tube multiplex PCR reaction to simultaneously interrogate 24 DNA loci from a variety of human-derived biological sources.


Establish and compare specific DNA patterns (polymorphisms) between individuals, tissues, or specimens for purposes of identification or lineage

Patient Preparation

Patient should receive no transfusions 90 days prior to testing.


2 different specimens from appropriate specimen types are required for this test

Additional Information

The genetic material of humans is highly polymorphic, and an individual's genotype represents a unique pattern which determines that person's identity and heredity. The only exception to this rule is identical twins, since they are derived from a single fertilized egg and hence have the same DNA profile. As a general rule, DNA is constant in all tissues of the body (even prenatal samples such as amniotic cells and chorionic villi specimens). DNA isolated from any specimen from an individual will be identical, which can prove to be very valuable in forensic evidence. DNA typing provides a valuable tool for establishing family relationships. PCR tests using a panel of DNA primers specific for several polymorphic DNA regions can produce a composite profile which is unique to an individual and can be traced through families to establish relationships. The laboratory report, in the form of a confidential letter, explains in detail all the polymorphic DNA markers used, the results (match or mismatch) with each, and the cumulative probability of paternity or nonpaternity, or identity or nonidentity of specimens.
Specimen Collection and Handling

Specimen Type

Whole Blood
Fresh Tissue
FFPE Slides
Buccal Swab


Whole Blood - Lavender/EDTA
Tissue - Sterile Container
FFPE - Unstained Slides


Whole Blood - 4 mL
Fresh Tissue - >0.2 Grams Tissue Or >2 mm3
FFPE Slides - 10 Unstained Slide+1 H&E Slide
Buccal Swab - 2 Swabs

Minimum Volume

Whole Blood - 4 mL
Fresh Tissue - 0.2 Grams Tissue
FFPE Slides - 10 Unstained Slide+1 H&E Slide
Buccal Swab - 2 Swabs

Storage Temperature

Fresh frozen tissue can be stored in a -70°C freezer until shipped.

Shipping and Handling Instructions

Transport specimen( other then frozen tissue) at room temperature
Fresh frozen tissue transport on dry ice

Causes for Rejection

If the tissue specimen thaws out during transport to the laboratory or before shipping, DNA may not be obtained from the specimen
If <0.2 grams of tissue is sent to the laboratory, it may not yield enough DNA for analysis
Blood samples frozen and thawed (will yield low quality DNA)
Broken slides or tubes
Result Interpretation